Edwardian News & Events

For anyone living within the Pittsburgh area, Nancy Koller of Nancy’s Fancy Tea Room will be hosting a re-creation of the last supper aboard the Titanic at 6 pm, 14 April. “Reservations are required and may be made by calling 724-628-0173. Koller encourages guests to dress in formal wear, although fancy dress is not required.” This supper is inspired by Last Dinner on the Titanic by Rich Archbold and Dana McCauley, which also gives instructions on how to create dining on that fateful voyage. More information here.

Now available for purchase at http://americanprincesses.com, Richard Jay Hutto’s Entitled: American Women, Titled Husbands, and the Pursuit of Excess, a companion book to his 2007 release Crowning Glory: American Wives of Princes and Dukes.

The Greater Bay Area’s Costumers Guild is hosting “A Starry Night of Steampunk” April 16, at the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, CA. “Costumes are required for this event, any variety of steampunk or Victorian and Edwardian attire from 1880-1910.” More information here.

April 18th, Beverly Bridger, Executive Director of Sagamore, will give a visual presentation at Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum titled “Sagamore: Mrs. Vanderbilt’s Fabled Adirondack Retreat”. Bridger’s talk is slated for Saturday at 4:00pm, followed by a meet-the-author Victorian Tea. More information here.

A lecture on Cornelius Vanderbilt is to be held at The Breakers, the breathtaking summer “cottage” built by the Commodore’s grandson, Cornelius Vanderbilt II, on May 19th. T. J. Stiles is a historian and author of The First Tycoon-The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt. More information here.

Know of or a part of any upcoming events pertaining to the Edwardian era? Email me: evangeline at edwardianpromenade [dot] com.


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