Downton Abbey 3×04

No Words!!!

sybil harem pants

Lady Sybil, VAD Nurse

Sybil, Tom, and their baby

But on a less emotional note, Jessica Brown Findlay, Allen Leech, and Elizabeth McGovern knocked it out of the ballpark this episode. Jessica couldn’t have left Downton on a better acting note.


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10 replies on “Downton Abbey 3×04”

    I was just sobbing into my patience-of-a-saint cat’s fur last night. They’re all such good actors, but that’s one of the best death scenes I’ve seen in a while.

  2. says: Teri Brown

    I was a complete mess! I was trying to tweet at the same time and finally gave it up. The best comment I saw was someone asking if something happened on Downton because the twitterverse was all sobbing and in a fetal position. HA!

  3. says: valarielynn

    Even tho I’d seen this episode before, it still didn’t stop me from breaking down and sobbing again. Then Maggie got me going again. *Just got me going again thinking about it*

  4. says: Robin Woods

    Nobody ( the men!) thought Dr. Clarkson knew what he was talking about! I would be as angry as Cora! Now Robert is in deep doo-doo as my children used to say!

  5. says: Terri

    So very sad. The emotions in this episode were top notch. I just knew that as soon as the two Dr’s starting disagreeing that nothing good was going to come of it. Violets struggle to walk into the room spoke more then any words could have. I so wish they would have showed Mr. Carson struggling with his “proper training” to walk over, take her arm , and escort her to the door. But it wouldn’t have had the same impact as her walking alone. Cora is not going to forgive Robert any time soon and I don’t blame her.

  6. says: Lauren

    I can’t even believe it! After I watched it on Sunday I had sworn it off, but now, here I am, watching the episode again. Well, kind of… I know I’ll fast forward through the sad bits. I found the acting superb, but it was really unnerving, and sort of haunted me the night I watched it. Funny how fictional characters can control your emotions and thoughts so very much!

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