Perhaps the theatre community of 1914 possessed a bit of clairvoyance, for the rise of musical revues over the past two years was a harbinger for the type of glittering, American-style entertainment the Edwardians would seek during the darkest days of WWI. Hullo, Tango! followed the popular revue Hello, Ragtime! in late 1913, and broke box office records. These revues were very popular because of their large casts, glamorous sets, fantastic costumes (the costumes for Hullo, Tango! were designed by Leon Bakst), and the latest ragtime music and dances.
The revue devised by Max Pemberton and Albert de Courville. Music by Louis Hirsch; Lyrics by George Arthurs. Additional songs by Maurice Abrahams, Grant Clarke and Edgar Leslie
Cast included: Frank Carter, Isabell d’Armond, Teddie Gerard, Morris Harvey, Shirley Kellogg, Gerald Kirby, Ethel Levey, Violet Loraine, Eric Roper, Harry Tate [SOURCE]
Below is a sample of some of the songs of the revue, which also became smash records (this was, after all, the age of the gramophone too!).
I often think that if I could have lived at any time, it would have been as a young adult in the Edwardian era (so born about 1885). If there was enough money in the family, imagine the music, dancing, specially designed sets and costumes, afternoon tea in the tea rooms with palm trees and orchestra.
Sounds fantastic! I don’t know about living in a different time period, but I would go back to the Edwardian era to scoop up some of the fashions to bring into 2014. ^^