FashionJuly 5, 2013<June 30, 2013 La Modes à Longchamp by Evangeline Holland The races at Longchamp marked the end of the Parisian social season and like its English counterpart–Ascot–it was the place to see and be…
EtiquetteJune 12, 2013<June 10, 2013 Being a Perfect Edwardian Hostess by Rachel Pritchard Being a good hostess was an important role of the Edwardian woman. By keeping a good home and making guests welcome she could advance…
LondonJune 10, 2013<June 9, 2013 Going to Market in Edwardian London by Evangeline Holland London goes to market at Covent Garden, the one district which is astir early. Six o’clock is late and at eight the bargain hunters…