ServantsNovember 12, 2013<August 5, 2014 The Engagement of Servants by Evangeline Holland A very general method of obtaining servants is by answering advertisements, or inserting advertisements for the kind of servants needed. In this latter case…
LivingMay 20, 2013<May 18, 2013 The Inner Life of a Gentleman’s Club by Evangeline Holland [T]he day at a club begins the night before. About 9 p.m., when the rush is over, the chef or chief cook takes stock…
ServantsDecember 10, 2012<August 5, 2014 Outdoor Servants: The Stables by Evangeline Holland Horses were the backbone of Edwardian society, and even as the motorcar supplanted the carriage, the measure of a gentleman was always in how…