FashionSeptember 10, 2014<September 9, 2014 Edwardian Fashion Week by Evangeline Holland Today’s fashionistas can access the catwalks of New York, Paris, London, and Milan Fashion Week with the click of a button or tap of…
DanceJanuary 21, 2014<December 15, 2015 Tango Teas and Tangocitis by Evangeline Holland London society of 1913-1914 was tango mad. The dance made its way across the Channel from Paris, where it had become a vogue after…
FashionMay 1, 2012<May 1, 2012 Lucile by Lady Duff Gordon by Evangeline Holland “I loosed upon a startled London, a London of flannel underclothes, woollen stockings and voluminous petticoats, a cascade of chiffons, of draperies as lovely…