Featured Book: Victorians and Edwardians at Work

Victorians and Edwardians at Work The lives of the working classes are largely ignored in today’s fiction, and if featured at all, rarely is there a full and varied perspective of their livelihoods. The glimpse given in Victorian and Edwardians At Work is both fascinating and poignant. Told in–I’d guess–nearly 200 postcards, the story ranges from military officers to firemen to the hardy “Pit Brow Lasses” (as seen on the cover). Hannavy’s accompanying text is luminous and succinct, and as I savored each page, I was extremely absorbed in the faces and expressions of the people filling the postcards. This book is truly a peek into the past.

For more information, visit Shire Publications, or purchase the book from Amazon.com

Leave a comment between now and Friday, October 9th, if you’d like to win a copy.

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Hayden has won the drawing! Send your mailing address to me at evangeline@edwardianpromenade.com


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15 replies on “Featured Book: Victorians and Edwardians at Work”
  1. says: Hayden

    I’d love to own a copy. I’m a lot fonder of the working-class through history than the upper-class, so this’ll be a great pictorial resource.

  2. says: Lidian

    This looks wonderful – thanks for the review. I will definitely get hold of this one since my ancestors-in-law and my English gg grandmother’s family were all working-class folk.

    The CAPTCHA, BTW, is the Victorian-sounding, intriguing phrase ‘palpated Bessie.’ Good gracious, Bessie, whatever is going on?

  3. says: Barbara

    I would love to win a copy. I’d also like to see more working class heroes in novels. You’re correct in that we don’t see them often.

  4. says: Tracey

    I love your website. The Victorian and Edwardian Eras are my favorite. I’ve even mentioned your website on my blog. This book looks fascinating!

  5. says: Sela Carsen

    I would love to win this book. I have a couple of Edwardian era stories I’ve been putting off due to lack of research materials and this would be a huge help!

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