Early morning tea, brought by a housemaid who lit the bedroom fire while the lady sipped her tea, was accompanied by paper-thin bread and butter, or plain biscuits: these were home-made, or probably Digestives at ninepence a pound, Osborne at sevenpence, or Thin Arrowroot at eightpence. The ritual of early morning tea was strictly observed in even moderately wealthy houses. — Kate Caffrey’s The 1900s Lady
Ty.phoo Tea and McVitie’s Digestives from World Market
Mmmm… Digestives… so good that you go “mmm” despite that horrible name.
Staying with an old fashioned household in Cheshire in the 1960’s I was always served a small pot of tea accompanied by two slices of thin bread and butter when I was woken by the maid. The bread was thinly sliced in a way you can only do when the loaf is a day old. All very welcome as the bedroom had no heating and was freezing!