I’ve spent all of this month rewriting and revising my book and have just hit 100k! That deserves a break from blogging, does it not?
But never fear, I will be back next month to celebrate the five year anniversary of Edwardian Promenade (Aug 6-31), and I shall be around on Facebook and via email during this holiday from the blog.
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Will miss your posts, but look forward o your return. Yes, after all that work, you deserve a break.
Have an excellent holiday!
Coming up in 2013: “Beyond the Garden Party: Rethinking Edwardian Culture.” http://edwardianculture.com/2012/07/25/call-for-papers-beyond-the-garden-party-re-thinking-edwardian-culture/
They are defining the “long Edwardian’ era as 1895 to 1914. Makes sense to me….
The Edwardians were intrepid travellers, weren´t they? I am writing this from Portugal which has been the most wonderful place to holiday. But I am full of admiration for Edwardians who didn’t know what quality transport, food and accommodation they would find.
I am writing this from Portugal which has been a wonderful place to holiday. But I am full of admiration for the Edwardians who were intrepid travellers. They didnºt know what sort of transport, accommodation or food they would find.