Gilded : Pre-Launch Issue

Gilded - SU2010

I’ve put together a simple and sweet magazine in conjunction with Edwardian Promenade. Please click on the link to download the ‘zine and tell me what you think!
[download id=”2″]


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13 replies on “Gilded : Pre-Launch Issue”
  1. says: heidenkind

    Very cool, Evangeline! I absolutely loved the article about the Castles and Ragtime–fascinating stuff. 🙂

    And, weirdly enough, I’m reading a book right now that mentions Cust. I knew I’d run across his name before, but I couldn’t remember where.

  2. Oh, I love the magazine. I do. You captured all the many reasons why I adore the Edwardian era. Please keep it up because I can’t wait to read (and learn) more about that fantastic time period.

  3. says: Veronica

    I love it. The writing is also very much reflective of the period. I really enjoy the story at the end. Can’t wait to find out what happens.

  4. says: Suzanne Fox

    The magazine is very well done and really rich with content. A pleasure for all of us who love period details, and an extremely useful aid to those of us who write about the period. Thank you!

  5. says: Audra

    I just finished this issue — what a delicious treat! Thank you for putting the time into creating it — I loved the range of topics covered! I’ll be doing a review of it on my blog and elsewhere — I’ll link when they’re posted! 🙂

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