Call for Interns

I didn’t realize how much I had taken on with the running this blog until I ended up with a room full of ARCs, books, and DVDs, half-written plans and ideas for upcoming posts, an inbox stuffed with email, period dramas and history documentaries waiting to be watched and recapped/reviewed, Facebook pages to maintain, and a number of Edwardian-related events to mention. And this is on top of my day job and my writing career! Running Edwardian Promenade is a true labor of love–key emphasis on the word labor. 😉 In exasperation, I tweeted about needing an intern in a somewhat joking manner, but the responses made me rethink my amusement at the thought. So I’ve decided that I would like to acquire a few interns.

Why interns and not co-bloggers you ask? Because I still will and want to shoulder most of the work, but I’d like to pay it forward to any aspiring or new blogger desiring experience in new/creative media (blogging, twitter, SEO, etc). Over the past year, I’ve come across a good number of positions at publishing houses, big corporations, major websites, etc. Edwardian Promenade may not be Gawker or Salon, but smallness doesn’t equal irrelevance in my book! Right now I am looking for two (2) interns, one US/Canada based and one UK based, and would like these key qualifications:

  • Good Communication Skills
  • Strong Writing
  • Familiarity with WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr
  • Intermediate to Advanced Graphic Design skills
  • A Deep Love for History!
  • An Eye for Detail
  • Lots of Creativity

Primary duties would include:

  • Updating Edwardian Promenade’s Facebook and Tumblr pages
  • Scheduling and/or conducting interviews, guest posts, and giveaways
  • Mailing materials to winners
  • Reviewing books, TV shows, and movies
  • Responding to comments, queries, or emails
  • Pitching and Writing Approved Posts
  • Keeping Track of Historical Events and Speakers relevant to Edwardian Promenade readers

If this sounds ideal, please send a cover letter, three pitches for future topics, and links to your published articles or blog (if it exists), and to your preferred method of social media to edwardian [dot] gaiety [at] gmail [dot] com between now and December 15th! This is a virtual internship, naturally, so no need to worry about your region!


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