May 6, 2011<May 6, 2011 Ping-Pong is a Craze by Evangeline Holland During the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, the convergence of time-saving technologies, increased prosperity, and the growing middle- and leisure-classes created a society ripe…
April 21, 2011<April 5, 2015 The Tradition and History of Easter Eggs by Evangeline Holland The egg is one of the enduring symbols of Easter, and unsurprisingly, we find it present far, far before the modern era. Easter and…
March 8, 2011<March 4, 2011 An Edwardian Mardi Gras by Evangeline Holland Though the common perception of Mardi Gras links it with New Orleans, the tradition began in Mobile, Alabama in 1703, as that city was…