A few helpful primary resources that give a peek into Parliament during the Edwardian era (click on the titles to read online):
The House of Commons
The House of Commons from Within
Gentlemen of the House of Commons
The Procedure of the House of Commons
The Inner Life of the House of Commons
“Scenes” in the Commons
The House of Lords
The House of Lords Question
The House of Lords
British Aristocracy and the House of Lords
Liberalism and the House of Lords
Fifty Years in the House of Lords
Political Questions of the Day
A Primer of Tariff Reform
The Case for Tariff Reform
The Case Against Tariff Reform
The Irish Question
The Speaker’s Handbook on the Irish Question
The Home Rule Movement
The Suffragette: The History of the Women’s Militant Suffrage Movement, 1905-1910
Women’s Fight for the Vote
Army Reform and Other Addresses
Parliament & Its People
Peeps at Parliament
Later Peeps at Parliament
A Popular Handbook of Parliamentary Procedure
A Diary of the Salisbury Parliament, 1886-1892
A Diary of a Home Rule Parliament, 1892-1895
The Balfourian Parliament, 1900-1905
Eight Years of Tory Government, 1895-1903
From Gladstone to Lloyd George
Dod’s Parliamentary Companion, 1902