AmericaJuly 11, 2016<January 28, 2019 The Years America Ran Red: A History of Lynching in the United States Many would love to believe that life one hundred years ago was gentler, better mannered, and simpler than today. I love history dearly, and…
BooksMay 28, 2016<May 27, 2016 Cantigny Day Giveaway: Fall of Poppies In celebration of Cantigny Day, I am giving away five (5) copies of Fall of Poppies! (Domestic US only) a Rafflecopter giveaway
WarMay 26, 2016<May 26, 2016 Cantigny Day With 2017 lurking just around the corner, there has been a slight uptick in books published about the United States’s involvement in the First…