AmusementsJanuary 21, 2010<December 9, 2015 Smoking Etiquette by Evangeline Holland Smoking in the nineteenth century underwent many amusing changes, per the advice of etiquette books. Guides to modern behavior once stressed how vulgar it…
Amusements, Season, SportJanuary 20, 2010<January 19, 2010 The Season: Winter by Evangeline Holland For much of the nineteenth century, it was customary for Society to spend the winter months in warmer climes such as the Riviera, where…
EtiquetteJanuary 18, 2010<January 8, 2014 Dining and Dinners by Evangeline Holland Nothing preoccupied the mind of an Edwardian hostess so much as the planning of a dinner party. From matters of food and drink, table…